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The Story So Far...


I was born and raised in St. John's, Newfoundland. After graduating from high school in 1995, I attended the University of King's College in Halifax, Nova Scotia, largely for its interdisciplinary Foundation Year Program. At the time, I had vague thoughts about a career in public relations or journalism, but I was also wrestling with a vocation to ordained ministry.  On completing my BA in Classics, I received a classical theological education at Nashotah House in Wisconsin, with a view to returning to the Anglican Church in Newfoundland.

For 21 years, I served as a parish priest, navigating the spiritual terrain of congregations, ranging from small rural communities to growing suburbs, to cathedral in the downtown core. From the pulpit, I developed my skills as a communicator, crafting sermons that carried complex ideas with clarity and passion. Pastoral care gave me the chance to connect with diverse individuals and hone my empathetic listening and counseling abilities.

My commitment to social justice led me to work with mission groups, homeless encampments, and food outreach programs. I couldn't help but feel humbled by the resilience of those I met, inspiring me to strive for greater unity and purpose in my endeavors. In 2015, I began balancing full-time work and part-time education, enrolling in an MA program at Memorial University of Newfoundland, returning to research and my first pursuit of the ancient world. My graduate research articulated a more nuanced understanding of first-century Roman attitudes towards same-sex relationships.

With a deep commitment to ethical decision-making, I have eagerly dived into the world of non-profits. I discovered a knack for project management and event coordination, skills I now apply to drive initiatives that improve life for individuals, groups, and the community at large. I also actively follow the ever-evolving digital landscape, absorbing the latest trends and expanding my knowledge base. I tried my hand at graphic design, crafting a portfolio of eye-catching and impactful designs for church use.

But life isn't all about work. I'm an avid knitter, finding creativity and mindfulness in each stitch. In the neighbourhood, I'm known for my impressive woodpiles. And then there's my ever-growing vinyl record collection - a testament to my love for music and the stories it tells.

In 2023, having realized that there was still more work for me to do outside the realm of the church, I embarked on the next stage of my journey. Guided by a deep dedication to social justice and community well-being, I am looking for new and exciting ways to align my mission-driven approach with the values of non-profit organizations, as I seek to create positive change on a broader scale. The story continues to evolve, and I'm excited to see what the future holds. From sermons to project plans, from caring for souls to crafting digital designs, my journey has been one of adaptation, growth, and a steadfast commitment to working for a better world.

Join me as we move forward, because the best stories are yet to come.

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